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Sentric unites Castell, Kirk, Salvo, STI & Zonegreen

Brands & Support

Below you will find links to all our our brand pages which contain all the products, support and tools that you’ll need to ensure safety in your work environment.

Castell Trading Company logo

Castell: London, UK

Castell manufactures Castell branded Trapped Key Interlock safety products as well as selling all of our solution brands to the UK and beyond.

Kirk Trading Company logo

Kirk: North Canton, Ohio, USA

Kirk manufactures Kirk-branded Trapped Key Interlock products as well as selling all our solution brands to the Americas.

STI Trading Company logo

Serv Trayvou (STI): Montreuil, France

Serv Trayvou (STI) manufactures STI-branded Trapped Key Interlock safety products as well as selling all our solution brands to France and beyond

Zonegreen Trading Company logo

Zonegreen: Sheffield, UK

Zonegreen manufactures rail safety products as well as selling all our solutions brands to the UK and beyond.

Salvo product brand logo


A solution brand for loading bay safety and efficiency solutions. Sold by Castell, Serv Trayvou (STI), Kirk, Sentric China and Zonegreen.

Sentric China Trading Company logo

Sentric China: Shanghai, China

Sentric China sells all our solution brands. They also manufacture Castell and STI products for sale in the local region.


Achieve success with our safety solutions today. Chat with our team to learn more.

Call center employees working in a customer support environment

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