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Castell Creates Simple 5 Step Guide on How to Use IoT to Set Efficiency Goals for the Loading Bay

Castell Creates Simple 5 Step Guide on How to Use IoT to Set Efficiency Goals for the Loading Bay

The Internet of things (IOT) finds application in several industries including warehousing & logistics. Yet, the use of IoT at the loading bay remains limited.

A lack of data around loading bay activities and operations make it difficult to manage the loading bay environment and often signifies recurrent delays and significant monetary losses for a warehouse. It is vital that any business now consider IOT as part of their loading bay strategy and set effective KPIs to optimise performance to enable a business to stay ahead of the competition.

We have produced a simple 5-step guide on how to use IOT to set efficiency goals for your loading bay. A preview of the guide can be viewed below:

The rise of IOT in the warehousing and logistics Industry

The Internet of Things (IOT) refers to a network of connected smart devices extracting information from which businesses can get useful insights. This increased volume of available data has unlocked the potential for businesses to manage and optimise a wider range of operations, minimising costs and improving profitability. IOT is a rapidly growing trend in all industries as part of Industry 4.0 and its adoption is only predicted to continue to expand.

In the warehousing and logistics industry, pressures from increasing globalisation including foreign competition and the need for ever faster operations has meant the industry has been an early mover on this innovative technology. Applications for IOT in this industry are already embraced, be it in the way warehouses inventory is tracked or how forklifts movements are monitored. IOT is allowing sites to raise the bar on performance to levels that were unattainable in the past, making sure they can compete in the global market.

The limited use of IOT at the loading bay

One area of the industry where IOT has been underutilised is the loading bay, where its use remains limited and opportunities for improvements are large. A warehouse loading bay serves as the main point of entrance or exit for products that are loaded or unloaded from vehicles, an activity strongly connected with a warehouse’s bottom line and profitability. A lack of data around such time-consuming and essential loading bay activities and operations makes it difficult to manage the loading bay area and often signifies recurrent delays and significant monetary losses for a warehouse. It is vital that any business now consider IOT as part of their loading bay strategy and set effective KPIs to optimise performance to enable a business to stay ahead of the competition.
