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Castell Obtains Alcumus SafeContractor Accreditation

Castell has successfully obtained the SafeContrator accreditation within the work categories of Mechanical Lifting & Handling Equipment Installation/Servicing: Loading Bays from Alcumus.

Alcumus is a market leading provider of technology enabled compliance risk management, certification, and accreditation services. The SafeContrator accreditation is a SSIP and PAS91 aligned contractor scheme.

Castell’s head of compliance, Neal Partridge has been working with Alcumus to obtain the SafeContrator Accreditation through an in-depth audit. The audit requires providing documentation that shows Castell’s qualifications and proves they are compliant with relevant legislation and health and safety practices, such as:

  • Effectively Managing Risks & Risks Assessments and demonstrating training records to prove competency under the management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • Meeting CDM Construction – The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015)
  • Meeting The Work at Height Regulations 2005 with trained qualified personnel who can operate MWEP’s
  • Demonstrating we meet Pat Testing requirements under The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
  • Demonstrating we are effectively managing Covid -19 whilst working at site.
  • Meeting the requirement of ISO 45001 certification for Health & Safety.
  • Meeting Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 when using chemicals or substances on site.
  • Our competency relating to Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
  • Demonstrating our engineers are Approved electricians to BS7671:2018 wiring regulations and hold safety passport cards for safety competency.

In addition to the “Loading Bay Work Category” mentioned previously, the SafeContrator certificate was awarded to Castell as an industry role as construction contractor within the category related activities of: Ladders / Step Ladders, Working at Height, Working on Services, Systems, or Equipment Requiring Isolation, Working with Chemicals and Hazardous substances.

Neal Partridge states, “A number of sites and customers look for external endorsements to allow us to work on site. The SafeContrator accreditation gives Castell a valued 3rd party endorsement that many facilities require to allow companies to be on site during commissioning, installing, or supervising installations by 3rd party contractors.”

Castell saw that many sites were beginning to require the SafeContrator accreditation and was proactive in obtaining the certification. The SafeContactor status will provide reassurance to facilities that Castell is working in a safe manner and have the proper qualifications when installing or commissioning Salvo Loading Bay Safety Systems on site.
