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Meet Mélissa, Sales Manager Energy Sector, EMEA

Melissa’s diverse career journey has taken her across multiple countries, beginning at EDF in France and progressing to a U.S.-based role in metallurgy. She now holds the position of Sales Manager EMEA at Sentric Safety Group. She shares with us insights into her role and her passion for collaborating with leading figures in the energy sector.

Meet Mélissa, Sales Manager Energy Sector, EMEA for Sentric Safety Group

In a nutshell, tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born in Lyon and grew up in Saint-Etienne, France. My educational background is in International Management; I completed my bachelor’s degree and first Master’s year at CEFAM in Lyon, a Franco-American management school. I was fortunate to study abroad in Illinois, USA, which broadened my perspective significantly. I then completed my Master 2 in International Management at the University of Saint-Etienne.

How did your career path lead you to STI, and what roles have you had along the way?

My career has been quite varied and international. I began at EDF as an assistant project manager in their B2B marketing team working on some biomass and energy efficiency projects. This role gave me a solid foundation in understanding large-scale projects and customer needs.

I then moved to a start-up where I worked for four years as a Sales and Marketing Development Manager. There I worked closely with customers to help them improve their energy efficiency thanks to innovative insulation products. This experience was crucial as it gave me a taste of the agility required in smaller companies.

Following that, I had an incredible opportunity to work in the United States as a Business Development Manager in the metallurgy sector, which broadened my expertise in international business. My customers were major EPC, OEM and distributors in the oil and gas market. I joined STI in 2018 as a Key Account Manager in the energy sector, and since then, I’ve transitioned to my current role as Sales Manager EMEA.

What are your main responsibilities as Sales Manager EMEA for the energy sector?

My primary responsibility is to manage the sales team focused on the energy sector within the EMEA region. This involves establishing the strategic roadmap and defining the actions necessary to meet the objectives set by our group.

A significant part of my role is also to monitor progress and results, ensuring that we are on track to meet our targets. Additionally, I oversee major projects with key customers, managing everything from clarifying requirements and costing to follow-ups.

I work closely with internal teams, including sales, quality, purchasing, logistics, and production, to ensure that we deliver the best possible level of service to our customers.

What motivates you in your work?

I am driven by the ability to provide solutions that meet our customers’ needs. The energy sector is critical, and knowing that our products help ensure the safety and efficiency of operations for our clients is incredibly rewarding. It’s fulfilling to know that the work we do has a tangible impact, especially in such a vital industry.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I love spending time with my loved ones. Family and friends are very important to me. Whenever possible, I also enjoy traveling abroad. Experiencing different cultures and environments is something that enriches me both personally and professionally.

What does a typical day look like for you?

I always start with the reviewing the status of ongoing projects and ensuring that our customers receive what they expect on time. If there are any issues, I allocate resources and coordinate with my team to address them promptly.

I also spend a significant amount of time monitoring major projects with key customers, including clarifying requirements, managing costings, and follow-ups. I often step in to resolve pricing discussions or misunderstandings, whether they’re internal or customer related.

Additionally, I participate in customer meetings to answer questions about our products and collaborate with various internal teams to maintain a high level of service. Throughout the day, I keep an eye on our performance metrics to ensure we are on track to meet our goals, adjusting priorities as necessary.

Anne Sophie, Mélissa, Ingo, Sriya & Tushar, exhibiting energy safety solutions at WindEurope.
From left to right: Anne Sophie, Mélissa, Ingo, Sriya & Tushar, exhibiting energy safety solutions at WindEurope.

What do you enjoy most about your role and the company?

There are two main aspects I love. First, it’s incredibly satisfying to know that our products play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of our customers in the energy sector. Second, the international aspect of my job is something I thoroughly enjoy. We work with well-known customers worldwide, which adds an exciting global dimension to my work.

From a team perfective, I value the team spirit and responsiveness from all our colleagues. In our field, projects can be complex and multifaceted, requiring a high level of collaboration and quick, effective communication. Having colleagues who are willing to work together and respond promptly to challenges makes all the difference.

Can you tell us about the most rewarding project you’ve worked on?

One of the most rewarding projects I’ve been involved in was helping to ensure safety in the nacelle of an offshore wind turbine using TKI technology. This project required coordinating several stakeholders across different countries and developing tailor-made solutions to meet their specific needs. It was challenging but extremely gratifying to see it come together. The project’s success and the standardisation of references in our system have ensured its longevity, which is very satisfying.

What areas would you like to improve on in your work?

One area I’m focusing on improving is communication, both internally and externally. Taking more time to talk and clarify expectations can make a significant difference in project outcomes. I want to ensure that our team and customers are always on the same page, which will help in delivering even better results.
