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Home » News & insights » Salvo saving bacon at Pork Farms
Arla Salvo

Pork Farms, one of the UK’s leading bakeries, has chosen to protect its employees from the threat of driveaways by investing in Castell’s Salvo. The safety system has been installed on all four loading bays at Pork Farm’s Palethorpes site in Shropshire, which handles an average of 130 vehicles per week.

“Salvo is easy to control and cost-effective,” comments Dave Bradley, Logistics Support Manager, when asked why his company decided to adopt the interlocking system. “We did look at wheel-locking devices but felt that Salvo was simpler and more manageable within our site processes.” Interlocking systems are recommended as a safe system of work to combat driveaways in the recent HSE booklet ‘Warehousing and storage: A guide to health and safety’.

Having reversed their trailer up to the relevant bay, drivers collect a Salvo Susie lock from the storage cabinet inside the office. As the lock is fitted to the exposed emergency air line coupling – effectively immobilising the trailer – it releases a uniquely-coded key. Drivers insert the key into the control box next to the bay, turning the traffic lights from green to red, and allowing the motorised door to be raised and the dock leveller positioned. The key remains trapped in the control box until the door is fully closed.

When loading / unloading has finished, the door is closed, the key released and the Salvo Susie lock removed.
